Lipton Teas and Infusions
Food & Beverages
- Colin | Creative Director
- Audrey | Junior Designer
- Mark | Copywriting
- Damien | Strategy
- Andrew | Account Director
- Sara | Account Manager
Lipton Teas and Infusions contribute to the wellbeing of over 400 million daily consumers and they place creating value for all at the heart of their business. This is led by transparent management policies and best practices. They need every employee to uphold these standards and work with integrity.
What did we find that was extraordinary? Integrity is at the very heart of their business as they aim to ensure that they uphold the most stringent measures across all that they do.

How we extracted the extraordinary
Business integrity was a known function within Lipton Teas and Infusions, but it lacked a strong presence and awareness, so the principles and values it protected were not universally known. There was a need to re-establish business integrity as a central pillar within the organisation, creating something that was instantly recognisable, constant and provided the tools to support all employees effectively.
Our approach was led by the creation of a new name, positioning and identity – Integritea. This provided an ownable and relatable title which was universally understood and a visual identity which strongly aligned to the master brand. We also created a positioning and identity for Speak Up, their whistleblowing platform, to ensure this had a stronger presence within the organisation.

Underpinning the whole strategy, was a refreshed Code of Conduct (Our Code) which we restructured and made more relatable to reflect the day-to-day challenges in the business.
The rollout of Integritea and Speak Up took place over a 12-month period with three core focuses – a communication campaign to drive awareness and engagement, training to build understanding and application of Our Code, and supporting materials to enable leadership and managers to understand and provide guidance to all employees.
Additionally, we provided ongoing support through quarterly ‘focuses’ material and live sessions to reinforce stakeholder engagement and further assist management. And as part of a wider initial 3-year plan, the development of supplementary content and ‘moments’ within the business are continuing to be rolled out alongside a review of campaign engagement metrics to ensure KPIs are being met.