


Product identity & launch materials


Civil engineering


  • Colin | Creative Director
  • Eleonora | Senior Designer
  • Oli| Account Director

NEC Contracts, published by the Institution of Civil Engineers, are the global gold standard for delivery contracts within the built environment. But with the industry progressively adopting digitisation, there was a need to move the popular contract suite onto a digital platform – Contract Horizon.

What did we find that’s extraordinary? Contract Horizon allows procuring organisations to create, share, edit and compile NEC Contracts in a much more efficient way.

How we extracted the extraordinary

After interviewing key stakeholders (including the NEC sales team and digital tool developers) to get a detailed understanding of the new product, we developed a messaging platform for this ground-breaking digital tool, based on four key pillars – Control, Flexibility, Efficiency and Security. In addition to this, we also created a bespoke visual identity which reflected NEC Contracts’ move to a digital platform. All of these elements were compiled in a top-level visual style guide.

Once this product brand foundation had been established, we developed a series of ‘teaser’ promotional materials aimed at select prospective customers prior to the formal launch at an international customer event. As part of this launch, we produced a series of marketing materials, including a brochure and an animated video to highlight the key product benefits.

Colour palette