


Internal communications




  • Colin | Creative Director
  • Andrew | Director
  • Sara | Account Manager
  • S&I | Production Partner

As a purpose-driven and values-led company, Unilever asks their global workforce to complete specific training annually. Helping employees relate learnings to their role, and in the context of their workplace, can be a challenge.

What did we find that was extraordinary? People retain 22 times more information when learning is woven into narratives, scenarios and anecdotes, rather than just facts.

How we extracted the extraordinary

Season 1 of Integrity Matters delivered an innovative approach to Business Integrity training, moving away from a curriculum based learning focused on ‘rules’, to an engaging approach with storytelling at the heart of it. Through a series of four short episodes, built around a fictional team, we brought to life challenges that people may face. Each episode had a specific policy focus with a larger theme throughout all. A short synopsis and scenario-based questions followed each episode.

A new, distinctive visual identity was created and applied across all materials and touchpoints directed employees to the central learning platform. Each user had a fully customised experience to complete the training at their own pace, tracking their progress through the films and learning Delivered in 15 languages globally, it has created meaningful conversations, increased engagement in training and saw a 21% increase in people raising concerns.

The results seen from Season 1 within the business were groundbreaking, both in terms of engagement and completion rates, but critically also in the understanding and confidence indicated by participants in when and how to raise a concern. The Netflix-style drama over 4 episodes, with interactive training on what had been seen, was a hit.

This led to the commissioning of Season 2 for ‘Online’ employees, as well as an ‘Offline’ factory-based Season 1. Taking the learnings from Season 1 we adapted both the user journey and reduced the overall length of the Online experience. Understanding and capturing the different challenges seen by the Offline audience was critical to script and portray, with learning adapted to the environment.

Our work over multiple seasons has won numerous awards


online employees have completed the training over the two Seasons – 100%


code breaches reported in 2023, a rise of 42% over 2 years, demonstrates an understanding and confidence of what is and how to raise a concern


offline employees completed the training – 93%