UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
- Colin | Creative Director
- Ben | Copywriter
- Oli | Account Director

This campaign received an Award of Excellence by the IoIC for Best Change Communication.
Having launched a completely redesigned personal development system, the UK Civil Aviation Authority needed to bring about an important cultural and mindset change towards appraisal and development, and promote the benefits to all staff across multiple locations.
What did we find that was extraordinary? The new system puts the employee at the centre, with the emphasis on a tailored programme to enhance personal development.
How we extracted the extraordinary
With a mandate from our client to cut through standard corporate communications, we devised a visually disruptive internal campaign that drew parallels between the new system and a personalised fitness programme – centred around a positioning of Personal Best.
Initially, a teaser phase was implemented to create intrigue. Upon reveal, and with the help of real staff models, the analogy was further emphasised as the system was introduced to all employees across digital and print channels. Follow-up booster communications were then sent out, centred around specific monthly ‘work outs’ that focused on important aspects of the programme.