Professional services
- Colin | Creative Director
- Eleonora | Senior Designer
- Damien | Strategy
- Andrew | Account Director
- Tash | Account Executive
Serco puts the health and safety of their employees at the heart of everything they do. Ensuring that they come to no harm in their roles and know how to work safely is a priority. But getting all staff to put safety first is a constant challenge.
What did we find that’s extraordinary? Simple behaviour changes in the workplace can have a huge effect on all employees.
How we extracted the extraordinary
Our creative solution was built around a core message – Your health and safety matters – always. This reinforced that employees should always consider their health and safety, as well as reaffirming Serco’s commitment to making sure that all staff are safe in their roles.
The look and feel of the materials reflected everyday hazard notices; set boldly in black and yellow with simple supporting graphics. The core message presented a challenge in the headline to get people thinking about how they should be acting, with the supporting copy then reinforcing the correct approach recommended by Serco. Easily adapted to different workplace challenges and translated for a global workforce, this campaign is helping to define Serco’s HSE communications now and into the future.